From Argentina to Africa... leg 5
Welcome to yet another episode of the Amazing Race. I'm starting this one 15 minutes before the show actually starts. I just saw the teaser for the "all new two-hour episode". Could it be that all we have to look forward to is Gretchen falling in a cave and the brothers Brian and Greg crashing their car. Hopefully there's a little more excitement in the two hours.
And let the race continue. This week's blog is brought to you by... the opening credits! Everyone be dramatic, do something thrilling and exciting, then slowly turn to look at the camera all serious like. Oh the fun.
Rob and Amber must lose... there now that's out of the way for a while. And waste no time, we're off to Johannesburg, South Africa. Of course, everyone is going to end up on the same plane, me thinks.
And now for an episode of the Lion King... wait, no. Oooh, and it's a fast forward for the first team who can get there. So they have to make it out across this narrow suspension bridge at the top of a cooling tower. Doesn't seem too hard... that is, as long as you're not afraid of heights. :) And for the first time I think I've seen it, we've got a fight for the fast forward. OK, and this looks just a bit more scary than I expected. Ray and Deana make it there first... and oust Rob and Amber from the Fast Forward! YES! Hallelujah! Rob and Amber are certifiably in last place now, as they have to drive back to the detour. And Ray and Deana are off to the pit stop. Go them!
And it's the detour... Tunnels or Tribes. Repelling through tunnels in a cave, or a little match game with tribal implements. Hmmm... this one's a toss up, I don't know which will be easier. But I'd have to say the tribes sounds like a safer bet. Who knows. Well the boyfriends seem to be handling the tribes quite well. The cave tunnelers look like miners with their light helmets on. Haha. I'm worried already, I don't know if Gretchen and Meredith will be able to do a belly crawl through a low tunnel. Uchenna and Joyce are equally off. I think it is definitive that the tribes was the better choice. And the old people made their first major mistake.... they didn't follow the instructions and forgot to pick up the clue in the cave. It's a shame that one mistake makes such an impact on them, but I think that's how it's going to be. But I have a sneaking suspicion that nobody is going to be eliminated from this leg of the race... it's about that time... Gretchen rocks... she's bleeding and gashed her head, but she's still a trooper. She deserves an award!
And as a quick subplot, Ray and Deana are already at the pitstop... miles ahead (or should I say kilometres ahead?) of the rest. And they win 2 new Toyota Rav4's! Wow, what a prize. That beats a trip I think. The travel gnome must not be putting out today.
Roadblock for good times. Shop for an orphanage and then take the stuff you find to the kids. That's outstanding! Wow, and you'd think someone like Amber would know how to shop but she seems to be having issues. Too bad, the kids are great! I love things that make me smile. :)
Now, it just looks weird seeing everyone driving on the wrong side of the road. I've honestly never driven a car with the steering wheel on the "wrong" side of the car... maybe it's easier than it seems. :)
Well, we're all checked in, and Meredith and Gretchen are the last team to arrive. AND I WAS RIGHT! It's a non-elimination leg, and they're still in it. But they lost all their money at all. More bad news? OH MY! It's a new twist! In addition to that, they lose ALL their stuff except their passports and the clothes on their backs. Now THAT's a twist. Now, I think that's actually reasonable... in the past, losing money hasn't been too much of a difficulty, they could just beg and panhandle their way through the next leg and be fine. This way they really have to have a disadvantage in exchange for continuing on. On to the next leg.. and a new blog.
And let the race continue. This week's blog is brought to you by... the opening credits! Everyone be dramatic, do something thrilling and exciting, then slowly turn to look at the camera all serious like. Oh the fun.
Rob and Amber must lose... there now that's out of the way for a while. And waste no time, we're off to Johannesburg, South Africa. Of course, everyone is going to end up on the same plane, me thinks.
And now for an episode of the Lion King... wait, no. Oooh, and it's a fast forward for the first team who can get there. So they have to make it out across this narrow suspension bridge at the top of a cooling tower. Doesn't seem too hard... that is, as long as you're not afraid of heights. :) And for the first time I think I've seen it, we've got a fight for the fast forward. OK, and this looks just a bit more scary than I expected. Ray and Deana make it there first... and oust Rob and Amber from the Fast Forward! YES! Hallelujah! Rob and Amber are certifiably in last place now, as they have to drive back to the detour. And Ray and Deana are off to the pit stop. Go them!
And it's the detour... Tunnels or Tribes. Repelling through tunnels in a cave, or a little match game with tribal implements. Hmmm... this one's a toss up, I don't know which will be easier. But I'd have to say the tribes sounds like a safer bet. Who knows. Well the boyfriends seem to be handling the tribes quite well. The cave tunnelers look like miners with their light helmets on. Haha. I'm worried already, I don't know if Gretchen and Meredith will be able to do a belly crawl through a low tunnel. Uchenna and Joyce are equally off. I think it is definitive that the tribes was the better choice. And the old people made their first major mistake.... they didn't follow the instructions and forgot to pick up the clue in the cave. It's a shame that one mistake makes such an impact on them, but I think that's how it's going to be. But I have a sneaking suspicion that nobody is going to be eliminated from this leg of the race... it's about that time... Gretchen rocks... she's bleeding and gashed her head, but she's still a trooper. She deserves an award!
And as a quick subplot, Ray and Deana are already at the pitstop... miles ahead (or should I say kilometres ahead?) of the rest. And they win 2 new Toyota Rav4's! Wow, what a prize. That beats a trip I think. The travel gnome must not be putting out today.
Roadblock for good times. Shop for an orphanage and then take the stuff you find to the kids. That's outstanding! Wow, and you'd think someone like Amber would know how to shop but she seems to be having issues. Too bad, the kids are great! I love things that make me smile. :)
Now, it just looks weird seeing everyone driving on the wrong side of the road. I've honestly never driven a car with the steering wheel on the "wrong" side of the car... maybe it's easier than it seems. :)
Well, we're all checked in, and Meredith and Gretchen are the last team to arrive. AND I WAS RIGHT! It's a non-elimination leg, and they're still in it. But they lost all their money at all. More bad news? OH MY! It's a new twist! In addition to that, they lose ALL their stuff except their passports and the clothes on their backs. Now THAT's a twist. Now, I think that's actually reasonable... in the past, losing money hasn't been too much of a difficulty, they could just beg and panhandle their way through the next leg and be fine. This way they really have to have a disadvantage in exchange for continuing on. On to the next leg.. and a new blog.
Hey there Joe, my name is Linda and I absolutely loved reading about the seventh episode of the amazing race review. I live in Johannesburg South Africa and reading an american writing about our country and your opinions ha h, thanks for the info... YAY TO MERIDETH AND GRETCHEN lol
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